During the
Evony Easter Event, we introduced the new General, Godfrey of Bouillon. He is a revered defender of the Holy Sepulchre and the First King of Jerusalem. In the aspect of leading Ranged Troops, Godfrey of Bouillon’s Special Skills and Specialty make him a formidable presence on the battlefield. This guide is dedicated to offering a comprehensive overview of his attributes, delving into his historical background, and detailing the methods to players about acquiring General Godfrey of Bouillon.
Epic Historic General Godfrey of Bouillon in Evony
The Special Skill of Godfrey of Bouillon
King of Jerusalem:
Increases ranged troops’ attack and HP by 40% and ranged troops and siege machines’ defense by 10% when the General is leading the army.
By General Ascending, players will increase the star of Godfrey of Bouillon’s Special Skill and unlock more buffs. Players can consume General Fragment (or Ascension Fragment) and Blood of Ares to ascend Godfrey of Bouillon.
Ascending Star
General Fragment *30
Blood of Ares *620
Ranged Troop Attack +10% and Defense +15%
General Fragment *60
Blood of Ares *750
Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +8%
General Fragment *90
Blood of Ares *890
March Size Capacity +10%
General Fragment *120
Blood of Ares *1,070
Ranged Troop Defense +30% and HP +30%
General Fragment *150
Blood of Ares *1,250
Ranged Troop Attack +25%, Defense, and HP +15%
Godfrey of Bouillon’s Max Level Specialty
Ranged Troop Defense: Ranged Troop HP +10%; Ranged Troop Defense +10%
Siege: March Size Capacity +6%; Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +10%
Ranged Troop Ares: Ranged Troop Attack +10%; Ranged Troop HP +10%; Ranged Troop Defense +10%
Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre: Ranged Troop Attack +30%; Ranged Troop Defense +10%; Ranged Troop HP +10%
Upgrading the Specialty needs to consume different kinds of Runestone. And Lucky Favor may double the EXP.
Godfrey of Bouillon’s General Covenant
Generals who have the Covenant with Godfrey of Bouillon are Richard the Lionheart, Baldwin IV, and Philip II.
The General Covenant of Godfrey of Bouillon
Collecting the Covenant Stone and enhancing the covenant generals to unlock the following covenant attributes.
War Covenant
Cooperation Covenant
Peace Covenant
Faith Covenant
Honor Covenant
Civilization Covenant
How to Obtain General Godfrey of Bouillon
Historic General Summoning Event
During the Easter Event, players can get the necessary item, Epic Historic General (Glory), from the final tier of the event package. Then, use the Epic Historic General (Glory) to summon Historic Generals including Godfrey of Bouillon.
Join Historic General Summoning to Obtain Godfrey of Bouillon
Get Godfrey of Bouillon from General Tokens
There is also a chance to obtain Godfrey of Bouillon by using the General Tokens below.
So, how can you receive these tokens?
The General Story of Godfrey of Bouillon
In the 11th century on the lands of France, there stood a knight of fearless valor, known as the ‘Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre’ – Godfrey of Bouillon. In an era of faith and glory, Godfrey, with his noble character, exceptional military prowess, and unwavering commitment to his beliefs, wrote a vivid chapter in the history of medieval Europe.
Born into a noble family, the son of Eustace II, Godfrey was immersed from an early age in the spirit of chivalry and devout faith. During the First Crusade, Godfrey achieved remarkable feats, displaying extraordinary courage and outstanding leadership in several decisive battles.
Together with other leaders of the Crusades, Godfrey heralded a new dawn for Jerusalem. Upon establishing the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Godfrey eschewed the temptation of the crown, instead choosing to call himself the ‘Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre’. This act undoubtedly highlighted his humility and devotion.
The legendary life of Godfrey de Bouillon stands as an eternal monument in the river of history. The chivalric spirit he embodied and his relentless pursuit of faith have become eternal symbols of honor, justice, and sacrifice in the hearts of people from the medieval era to the modern day.