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Adjustments and Optimizations of Version 4.37.0

Dear Evonians,
To create a better gameplay environment, we plan to bring the following adjustments and optimizations in version 4.37.0.
Evony Version 4.37.0
Evony Version 4.37.0

Optimization of General Interface

– Added the new List mode to Generals, which allows you to see more Generals on one page. (The default is Details mode.) You can click on the button to switch modes.
– Added Tab feature to the Select General and Select Mayor interfaces.

Optimization of Monarch Interface

– More Details are now available for public viewing after the update. You can go to Monarch Avatar – Detail to check the details you want to share.
– After the update, you can view other Monarchs' public details on the Monarch Detail page.

Optimization of Refinement Feature

attributes are now divided into different quality levels (, orange, purple and white) based on the value.
– Added notification options to the Refinement feature. You can check/ uncheck the color and attribute options to show/ hide notifications.

Optimization of Treasure Hunt Event

– Fixed the issue that the may disappear when players send troops to explore .
– Fixed the issue that troops of players from different Alliances may have an unexpected battle when exploring Pyramid Ruins.
– Now players can explore Pyramid Ruins up to 20 times per day.
If you cannot view new features, please update to the latest version.
Best Regards,
Evony Team

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