Dear Evonians,
We are excited to announce the upcoming Excellent Blazon Shop, which will take place from July 21st to 31st!
During the event, you’ll have the opportunity to acquire Ruby Blazon Chests or Sapphire Blazon Chests from the Excellent Blazon Shop. Open the chest to receive a random high-level Blazon.
During the event, you can obtain massive Excellence Coins from the Excellence Coin Sale Package and redeem them for the Red Excellent Blazon Box or Blue Excellent Blazon Box in the Excellent Blazon Shop.
You can randomly get Senior Blazon Core(s), Ruby Blazon Chest, or Sapphire Blazon Chest from the Excellent Blazon Box.
As an added bonus, you can claim a Ruby Blazon Chest or Sapphire Blazon Chest when you spend a certain number of Excellence Coins.
Ruby Blazon Chest: Open it to receive a random Lv10 Blazon from Justice, Sacrifice, Soul, or Honor Set, in which the first 3 attributes are specified.
Sapphire Blazon Chest: Open to receive a random Lv10 Blazon from Compassion, Valor, Honesty, or Humility Set, with the first 3 attributes specified.
Please update to the latest version if you cannot view the event.
Best regards,
Evony Team