Dear Evonians,
We will release the Seventh Anniversary packages and Napoleon Collaboration events on December 1st!
Seventh Anniversary Package
During the event, 5 package tiers every day include Napoleon Gold Coins, Merit Jade, Glory Golden Twigs, Forge Master Certificates, Blood Crystals, Subordinate City Clue Chests, and Premium Gear Chest (Dragon Head)!
There is also a chance to receive the new Epic Historic General Napoleon (Prime) from the 5th package tier, as well as Lv6 Barbarian King’s Token, Meteoric Stones, and Lv7 Premium Gear Chest (Dragon Head)!
Napoleon’s Treasure Event!
Participate in Napoleon’s Treasure for a chance to obtain the Bonaparte Castle – Imperial Capital Decoration with Castle Decoration Skill. And you can also acquire the new Dragon – Fasolt.
Evony Dragon Fasolt
During the event, completing quests will earn you corresponding Merit Points. When you reach the target points, you will unlock generous rewards.
Players will be ranked according to their Merit Points. Players with high rankings can win the ultimate prize of the Bonaparte Castle – Imperial Capital and other item rewards.
Evony Bonaparte Castle
Purchase Event Packages and complete Daily Activity quests to earn Napoleon Gold Coins, gather resources, and defeat monsters to earn Napoleon Silver Coins. Consume these coins in the event shop to redeem rewards. Any remaining coins will disappear after the event, so please use them as soon as possible.
The last day of the event is the display period. During the display period, you will no longer earn Merit Points, but you can continue to obtain event tokens and redeem items in the shop.
Napoleon’s Party Event!
During the event time, players can gain the Party Cake’s experiences by purchasing basic Gems, upgrading the Party Cake’s level will gain awesome gifts!
Players can gain Civilization Scroll Chest (Conquest) at Party Cake level 4.
Players can gain
Josephine‘s Unlock Item – Crown of Empress, 30 Binding Essences, and 100 Meteoric Stones at Party Cake level 5. And the
Limited Time Champion Josephine Event is available now!
Players can gain 50 Binding Essences at Party Cake level 7.
Players can gain Officer Equipment Scroll Chest (Military) and 200 Meteoric Stones at Party Cake level 8.
Players can gain the General Skin: Emperor – Napoleon (Prime), Epic Historic General Zizka, Civilization Scroll Chest (Supremacy), 300 Meteoric Stones and 50 Binding Essences at Party Cake level 10.
In addition, players can also gain a certain amount of the Hephaestus Hammer at Party Cake levels 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9 respectively, which are necessary materials for improving Historic City Spectacles.
Voyage to Civilizations Event!
Historic General Summoning Event!
During the event time, players can receive Epic Historic General (Glory) from the 5th Event Package tier. Use Epic Historic General (Glory) to summon an Epic Historic General, and there is a higher chance of getting the new Epic Historic General Napoleon (Prime)!
Napoleon (Prime) is guaranteed within each 6 summons.
Expedition to Egypt Event!
During the event time, players can destroy Fortress Pyramids on the map to receive Expedition Points and dropped treasures.
Purchase the Expedition to Egypt Support Package to get a Telescope. Use it to locate the coordinates of a Hidden Fortress Pyramid and receive Expedition Points. Destroy the Hidden Fortress Pyramid and claim treasures to receive Expedition Points. The telescope will be converted to the Expedition to Egypt Box after the event ends.
Reach a certain expedition to Egypt Personal or Alliance Point to receive rewards. Top-ranking players have a chance to earn Fortress Pyramid castle decoration, Civilization Scroll Fragment Chest (Conquest), Napoleon Gold Coins, and other rare items!
Imperial Lion Event!
During the event, purchasing packages, gathering resources, killing monsters, and participating in Napoleon’s Journey will grant you the event item – Legion of Honour. Use these tokens in the event interface to recruit and possibly win Glorious General Chest. Open the chest to choose one from Historic General (André Masséna), Historic General (Kleos), Historic General (Alessandra), and Historic General (Eleanor).
The Legion of Honour will disappear at the end of the event, so use it promptly.
Breakthrough! Anti-French Coalitions!
Napoleon defeated the Anti-French Coalitions five times in over 20 years of war, making France the dominant power in Europe for a time.
During the event, players can redeem the item War Drum in Napoleon’s Treasure – Event Shop. Use it to summon an Anti-French Coalition near your main city. Players, unite to help Napoleon defeat the Anti-French Coalitions and win rich rewards!
Napoleon’s Journey Event!
Completing the event can earn up to 20 Legion of Honour, 6 Guillotine of the Revolution Square, 1 Emperor’s Crown (7 Day), and other rich rewards.
You can earn Napoleon Cannons from Monsters or Resource Spots, with a daily limit of 100 (shared between Monsters and Resource Spots).
Every 100 Napoleon Cannons contributed earns 1 Crown of Coronation, which can be exchanged for rich rewards in Napoleon’s Treasure.
When the All Servers Contribution of Napoleon Cannons reaches a certain number, Napoleon will advance to the next battle point. Players can click on the battle point to learn and read about the glorious moments Napoleon experienced during this campaign.
All Servers Contribution of Napoleon Cannons updates every 30 minutes.
Napoleon Fames!
Napoleon Collaboration Fames, French Flair, and Imperial Glory are live! Unlock Fames to earn rare rewards, including the new Nameplate – Imperial Glory!
Other Events:
We also prepared other great events such as Napoleon’s Gift, Imperial Contribution Return, Share Gems, Trial of Knights, Super Feeding, Auction House, Historic City Searching, Server Raffle, Dwarf’s Lucky Apple, Gather Troops, King’s Path, Warlord Challenge, Lucky Composing, Resource Tax Gift, Cerberus’s Treasure, Knight’s Treasure, Gathering Event, Golden Goblin, and so on!
Please update to the latest version if you cannot view the event.
Best regards,
Evony Team