New Ideal Land Building Red Demon Statue Came to Wheel of Past Secret Event

Dear Evonians,
We are excited to announce the Wheel of Past Secret event, starting on September 15th!
During the event, you can use Lion Statues to spin the Wheel of Past Secret and earn limited rewards including building – Red Demon Statue, and you will receive 1 Free Spin chance every day. When you earn all 4 kinds of limited rewards, you will receive any remaining rewards in the wheel directly and be able to upgrade the Red Demon Statue to its max level.

Red Demon Statue (Level 10 Attributes)

  • Prosperity Points +800
  • March Size Capacity +5,000
  • Defense -10%
  • Mounted Troop Attack +6%
You can get Lion Statues from both Uruk Rare and ! Any remaining Lion Statues will be converted into Chests after the event ends. Please use them in time!
Make sure to update to the latest version if you are unable to access the event.
Best regards,
Evony Team
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