Evony 2024 Latest Mounted Troop General Combinations

With the game update, many new Mounted Troop Generals have been added to Evony. These generals have not only better special skills and specialties, but some also have additional buffs of skins and covenants. The various buffs of the main general and assistant general have different effective rules. In this case, different general combinations will also bring different effects. Assuming all attributes of these generals are at max level, we recommend the following Mounted Troop General Combinations.

The First Tier Mounted Troop General Combinations:

Main General
Assistant General
Assistant General Special Skill
Mounted Troop Attack Skill Book
Other Important Buffs
Mounted Troop Attack and Defense +45%;
Ground Troop and Mounted Troop HP +40% (with any Dragon or Spiritual Beast)
March Size Capacity +8%+5%
Washington Prime
Mounted Troop Attack and HP +40%;
March Size +15%
March Size Capacity +8%+5%+15%+6%+5%
Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +40%;
Mounted Troop Defense and HP +25%
March Size Capacity +8%+5%
Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +30%
Mounted Troop HP +30%
March Size Capacity +8%+5%+6%
March Size +12%;
Mounted Troop Attack +45%
March Size Capacity +8%+5%+12%+6%
Napoleon Prime
Mounted Troop Attack +50%;
Mounted Troop Defense and HP +30%
March Size Capacity +10%+5%
Washington Prime
March Size Capacity +10%+15%+6%+5%
March Size Capacity +10%
André Masséna
March Size Capacity +10%+12%+6%
Zhao Yun
March Size Capacity +10%+6%
Washington Prime
Napoleon Prime
March Size Capacity +15%+5%+6%+5%+5%
March Size Capacity +15%+5%+6%+5%
March Size Capacity +15%+5%+6%+5%
Zhao Yun
March Size Capacity +15%+5%+6%+5%+6%
Mounted Troop Attack +25%;
Mounted Troop Attack +15% with any Dragon;
March Speed +10%
March Size Capacity +15%+5%+6%+5%


As the assistant general, Hestia needs to take a dragon or spiritual beast and Martinus needs to take a dragon to make their initial special skill effect.
Besides, when Washington Prime is the main general, the ‘March Size’ Skill Book can only be used on him. It will not work on assistant generals.
In addition, some generals also have skins and covenants, which can bring extra buffs.

General Skin Benefits:

Emperor – Napoleon Prime
  • Marching Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Enemy Ground Troop HP -20%
Dragon God – Martinus
  • Mounted Troop Attack with Dragon +10%
  • Mounted Troop Defense with Dragon +10%

Extra Buffs from General Covenant:

Napoleon Prime
  • War Covenant: Mounted Troop Attack on Monsters +12%
  • Cooperation Covenant: March Size Capacity +5%
  • Peace Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop HP +8%
  • Faith Covenant: Mounted Troop Training Speed +10%; Mounted Troop Training Capacity +15%
  • Honor Covenant: Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack +8%
  • Civilization Covenant: Marching Mounted Troop Attack +12%; In-rally Mounted Troop Attack +15%
  • War Covenant: March Speed +10%
  • Cooperation Covenant: Marching Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Peace Covenant: Mounted Troop Training Speed +5%
  • Faith Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop Defense +10%; In-rally Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Honor Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop HP +5%
  • Civilization Covenant: Marching Mounted Troop Defense +10%; Marching Mounted Troop HP +10%
Washington Prime
  • War Covenant: March Speed +10%
  • Cooperation Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop Defense +10%
  • Peace Covenant: Mounted Troop Training Capacity +10%
  • Faith Covenant: Mounted Troop Defense +10%; Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Honor Covenant: The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking +5%
  • Civilization Covenant: Mounted Troop HP +10%; March Size Capacity +5%
André Masséna
  • War Covenant: Monsters Defense -8%
  • Cooperation Covenant: March Speed +15%
  • Peace Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop Defense +10%; Marching Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Faith Covenant: Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack -5%
  • Honor Covenant: When attacking, Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack -5%
  • Civilization Covenant: In-rally Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +10%; In-rally Mounted Troop Attack +10%

The Second Tier Mounted Troop General Combinations:

Main General
Assistant General
Assistant General Special Skill
Mounted Troop Attack Skill Book
Other Important Buffs
Mounted Troop Attack +40%;
Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defense +30%
March Size Capacity +10%
Mounted Troop Attack +25%;
Mounted Troop Attack +15% with any Dragon;
March Speed +10%
March Size Capacity +10%
George A. Custer
March Size +10%;
Mounted Troop Attack +40%
March Size Capacity +10%+10%
Mounted Troop Attack +40;
Mounted Troop Defense and HP +15%
March Size Capacity +10%
Gaius Octavius
Mounted Troop Attack +40%;
Ranged Troop Attack +15%
March Size Capacity +10%+6%
Zhao Yun
March Size Capacity +6%
March Size Capacity +6%
George A. Custer
March Size Capacity +6%+10%
March Size Capacity +6%
Gaius Octavius
March Size Capacity +6%+6%
No March Size Buff
No March Size Buff
George A. Custer
March Size Capacity +10%

Recommended Skill Book:

  • Mounted Troop Attack
  • Mounted Troop Defense
  • Mounted Troop HP
  • March Size
  • March Speed
  • Mounted Troop Speed
  • ……
Among the above combinations, André Masséna, Martinus, and Laudon conflict with the ‘Mounted Troop Attack’ skill book. All other combinations can use this skill book.
In addition to the above combinations, you can also try other mounted troop general combinations according to your actual situation.

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