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Bet for Battle of Austerlitz at Evony Battlefields Betting Event

Dear Evonians,
The event will start on January 12th!
During the event, you can bet on battlefields to win the , which can be used to redeem items in the during the .
You can bet 20 hours before each round of the Battle of Austerlitz Promotion Stage in – Battlefields Betting to win Betting Coins!
If your bet is correct, you will be able to win Betting Coins according to the ratio of your bet. If your bet is incorrect, you will receive a 50% refund of your own Betting Coins.
You can get Betting Coins from the Event, the , , Daily Activity, and the .
Please note that Betting Coins will disappear at the end of Season 12 Battlefield. Please use them in time.
If you are unable to access the event, please update to the latest version.
Best regards,
The Evony Team

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