Evony 1st Round of Server Merger Is Coming on August 8, 2024

Dear Evonians,

To create a better gameplay environment, we plan to do a in the near future. After the merger, the two servers will share the same world map but can still enter the game from the respective original server access. The new server’s number will be determined by the higher ranking. All the personal data will remain and this includes the buildings’ level, VIP level, Gems, Gold, resources, subordinate cities, Generals, troops, and items. That means players will not lose any of their personal data.

Server Merger List:

  • Server 193 and Server 230
  • Server 244 and Server 185
  • Server 133 and Server 46
  • Server 229 and Server 201
  • Server 53 and Server 134
  • Server 118 and Server 195
  • Server 174 and Server 162
  • Server 50 and Server 28
  • Server 36 and Server 111
  • Server 340 and Server 430
  • Server 387 and Server 435
  • Server 398 and Server 423
  • Server 347 and Server 407
  • Server 362 and Server 395
  • Server 313 and Server 295
  • Server 379 and Server 388
  • Server 316 and Server 333
  • Server 328 and Server 397
  • Server 251 and Server 299
  • Server 348 and Server 240
  • Server 320 and Server 359
  • Server 412 and Server 485
  • Server 465 and Server 451
  • Server 409 and Server 501
  • Server 426 and Server 534
  • Server 508 and Server 449
  • Server 506 and Server 422
  • Server 419 and Server 411
  • Server 416 and Server 462
  • Server 552 and Server 524
  • Server 682 and Server 580
  • Server 461 and Server 559
  • Server 695 and Server 714
  • Server 666 and Server 674
  • Server 811 and Server 885
  • Server 763 and Server 692
  • Server 770 and Server 841
  • Server 744 and Server 857
  • Server 632 and Server 704
  • Server 761 and Server 661
  • Server 664 and Server 693
  • Server 810 and Server 881

Post-Merger Changes

  • The Alliance will remain but all the Alliance Buildings will be removed. The system will randomly teleport all players on the new world map. Rebuilding does not cost resources or time. (If an Alliance hasn’t built the Alliance City or is building the Alliance City, it will still cost resources and time as usual.) The Alliance Donation and stored resources remain and will reappear after alliances rebuild the Alliance Warehouse.
  • A player still owns his/her original Subordinate Cities. The Server with a higher Server War ranking keeps its original subordinate cities and takes in the non-NPC subordinate cities from the other Server. We will remove the NPC sub cities from the other Server.
  • The bookmarks in the two Servers will be deleted because they won’t be useful to all the Servers.
  • Besides, all the Resource Spots and Monsters will reset. All the relics will be removed. All the troops outside will automatically return to their city.
  • Also, all the rankings will reset and refresh according to the players’ data in the new Server. The Server War ranking and Battlefield ranking will show as the new Server number that has the higher ranking.
  • The Empire name, Kings, and Titles for the Server with a higher Server War ranking will remain unchanged, while the system will delete the Empire name, Kings, and Titles for the Server with a lower Server War ranking. The Throne War will start all over again after 24 hours since the Server Merger. If a player has unlocked The Monarch’s Glory, the player will still get the glory in the new Server. If not, the player will have to be King for 2 times again.
  • In addition, the system will remove all Temple Effects of the original Server.
  • Then, we will remove the world chat messages.
  • The Undead Event and Monarch Competition records will also be removed.
  • The monarch name will be added with a number if two players have the same name. For example, two players both named Evony will become Evony 1 and Evony 2.
  • Finally, the Temple data is subject to the Server with the higher Server War rank.
Best regards,
Evony Team

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