Dear Evonians,
Season 9 Battle of Chalons is coming!
The Constantinople Ultimate War Season, which begins on April 5th, consists of 6 continents. The top 256 Alliances from each continent in the Constantinople Ultimate War Season will be able to enter the Major League of Battle of Chalons and fight for the champion!
The Battle of Chalons will begin at the end of Constantinople Ultimate War Season.
Season 9 Battle of Chalons Rewards
The winners of the Battle of Chalons will earn the following rewards:
Alliance Glory Castle – Sigiriya:
Alliance Ground Troop HP +15%
Alliance Construction Speed +6%
Alliance Lumber Gathering Speed +15%
The top 100 Alliances in the Major League can unlock Alliance Glory Castle. You can view Sigiriya on the Alliance Glory Castle page.
Season 9 Battle of Chalons Alliance Glory Castle Sigiriya
Japan Famous City with powerful buffs:
Attacking Troop’s Attack +15%
Attacking Ranged Troop and Siege Machine HP +10%
Traps Building Speed +50%
Death into Survival Rate in this Subordinate City +20%
Alliances in the Major League that reach the specified rank will receive the Cultural Subordinate City Key (Japan Famous City).
Season 9 Battle of Chalons Japan Famous City
In addition, players who participate in any round of the Season 9 Battle of Chalons and belong to an Alliance that reaches the specified rank in the Major League will unlock the new Blazing Ambition (Epic) Avatar Frame or Blazing Ambition (Legendary) Avatar Frame!
Constantinople Ultimate War Season
To enter the Major League, Alliances must rank in the top 256 of the Alliance Season Ranking for their own continent in the Constantinople Ultimate War Season before the Battle of Chalons. The top 257-1280 Alliances will enter the Elite League, and other Alliances will enter the Junior League.
The rewards of the Constantinople Ultimate War Personal Season Ranking will be determined based on accumulated scores from completed rounds. To be eligible, players must have been in an Alliance for more than 5 days before the end of each round. In the meanwhile, the Alliance must rank in the top 500 in Alliance Round Ranking.
Season 9 Battle of Chalons
In the Battle of Chalons, system will automatically match an Alliance with three opponents from its league. The four Alliances will rank according to their scores.
In the Battle of Chalons, players can earn scores by killing Monsters, killing troops of the opponents, and occupying buildings.
The Supply Carriage refreshes randomly in the Battlefield. When the Supply Carriage arrives at a building, the building occupier or player who is occupying this building has a chance to select one of three buffs.
The Medical Tents refresh randomly in the Battlefield. Visit the Medical Tent to immediately heal some troops in the Hospital.
During the Promotion Stage, the Semifinals and Finals of the Battle of Chalons, Battle of Constantinople (BOC), and Battle of Gaugamela (BOG) will be suspended.
Battlefield Rules
The Battle of Chalons consists of 6 continents, and the system will settle the ranking of each continent separately.
The Alliances in the Major League will sign up automatically. The Alliance R4 and R5 can select Alliance members to join the Battlefield. The R5 and R4 of Alliances in the Elite League and the Junior League can sign up and select Alliance members to join the Battlefield. Each Alliance can have up to 25 members to participate and these members must be in the Alliance for at least 3 days and Keep Level 15 before the sign-up time. Players without an Alliance cannot sign up or participate in the Battlefield.
After that, an Alliance will be automatically matched with three opponents from its league. Then, the four Alliances will rank according to their scores. If an Alliance is not matched with any opponents, the participants of the Alliance will get the rewards as the first place.
Honor Ranking Stage
Then move on to the Honor Ranking Stage which contains 4 rounds of battle. All Alliances will be ranked according to the Honor they gained in the Honor Ranking stage.
In each battlefield, the first place gains 5 Honors, the second place gains 3 Honors, the third place gains 1 Honor, and the fourth place gains no Honor.
Moreover, the Alliances which gained the same Honor will be ranked according to their scores.
Promotion Stage & Semifinals & Finals
The top 64 Alliances in the Major League after the Honor Ranking stage will advance to the Promotion Stage, Semifinals, and Finals. Alliances of the Elite League and the Junior League will not advance.
The Alliances that enter the Promotion stage will sign up automatically, and their R4 and R5 can select Alliance members to join the Battlefield.
The top 1 Alliance from the Promotion stage will compete in the Semifinals of top 1-16, the top 2 Alliances will compete in the Semifinals of top 17-32, the top 3 Alliances will compete in the Semifinals of top 33-48, and the top 4 Alliances will compete in the Semifinals of top 49-64.
Alliances with the same rank in the Semifinals of the top 1-16 will compete in the Finals to determine the champion and final ranking. Similarly, Alliances with the same rank in the Semifinals of the top 17-32, top 33-48, and top 49-64 will compete in the Finals to determine the final ranking.
Best regards,
Evony Team