Dear Evonians,
Listen to the Oracle with devotion! The Historic Generals are coming! We are excited to announce the new season of Delphic Oracle event, taking place from April 18th to 27th!

Apollo’s Glory
During the event, you have a chance to obtain Historic General Mikhail Kutuzov by wishing with Glory of Astraeus. This Epic Historic General is guaranteed within 240 wishes. This effect resets every time you get Historic General Mikhail Kutuzov.
You can get up to 10 Glory of Astraeus per day from Resource Spots, 20 Glory of Astraeus per day from Monsters, and more Glory of Astraeus from special packages.
You can also get Star Badges from each wishing. They can be used in Oracle Shop of Artemis’ Blessing to redeem for rewards!
Artemis’ Blessing
During the event, you can buy the Artemis’ Blessing Package, which contains the Glory of Astraeus and Oracle Box.
Best regards,
Evony Team